Option Explicit 'Author: Dave Newbern, dave@newbern.org 'Contributor: Toshiba support added by Seth Shoemaker, sshoemaker@westshorefree.org Const ConnectionString = "Driver={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Database=C:\Program Files\Spiceworks\db\spiceworks_prod.db" Const DellURL = "http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/my_systems_info/details?c=us&l=en&s=gen&logout=&ServiceTag=" Const HPURL = "http://www13.itrc.hp.com/service/ewarranty/warrantyResults.do?serialNumber1=&productNumber=&country=US" Const ToshibaURL = "http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/globalEntitlement.jsp?txtSerialNum=" Const SMTPServer = "" Const AdminEmail = "dave.newbern@vizada.com" Const CheckAll = False 'Check all system always. Make False to only check the new ones. Dim html, c_warranty Dim httpObjectName Dim WinDir Dim OSType Dim AnomalyReport Dim AppPath: AppPath = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "") Dim wshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Enumerate a few system variables OSType = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") WinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") wscript.echo "Windows Root " & vbTab & WinDir wscript.echo "Processor Type " & vbTab & OSType wscript.echo "Script Engine " & vbTab & wscript.fullname 'Ensure we're calling with cscript.exe. Dim relaunch: relaunch = False If lCase(Right(WScript.Fullname, 11)) <> "cscript.exe" Then WshShell.Run Windir & "\system32\CSCRIPT.EXE /nologo " & WScript.ScriptFullName httpObjectName = GetHTTPObject wscript.echo "HTTP Object " & vbTab & httpObjectName 'Ensure the required custom fields exist in the database CreateField "devices","c_warranty","date" CreateField "devices","c_warrantytype","varchar(50)" CreateField "devices","c_product_number","varchar(20)" 'Check script arguments Dim oArgs: Set oArgs=wscript.Arguments If wscript.Arguments.Count <> 0 Then 'Assume it is a dell service tag wscript.echo " Service Tag :" & oArgs(0) Dim httprequest httpRequest = replace(DellURL,"",oArgs(0)) html = getURL (httpRequest,"","") If instr(lcase(html), "system summary") Then html=mid(html,instr(html,"")) html=left(html,instr(html,"")-1) Else html="" End If If html <> "" Then wscript.echo " Ship Date :" & reformatDate(getDellShipDate(html)) wscript.echo " Support Date :" & reformatDate(getDellSupportDate(html)) wscript.echo " Support Type :" & getDellSupportType(html) End If wscript.quit End If CheckDeviceWarranties 'If len(AnomalyReport) > 5 Then SendEmail AdminEmail , "Spicewords Service Date Anomaly Report", AnomalyReport wscript.quit Sub CheckDeviceWarranties() Dim DB, RS Dim SQL Dim httpRequest Dim serial_number, product_number Dim supportDate, shipDate, supportType Set DB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DB.ConnectionString = ConnectionString DB.Open Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RS.open "SELECT * FROM devices WHERE type like 'computer' and (operating_system like 'Win%' OR operating_system like 'Vista%')", DB, 3,3 While Not rs.eof If lcase(rs("manufacturer")) = "dell" Then If Not isDate(rs("c_warranty")) Or CheckAll = True Then 'Only check systems that have not been checked before. serial_number = clean(rs("serial_number")) wscript.echo "System Name/Tag :" & rs("name") & vbTab & serial_number If len(serial_number) > 4 And len(serial_number) < 8 Then httpRequest = replace(DellURL,"",serial_number) html = getURL (httpRequest,"","") If instr(lcase(html), "system summary") Then html=mid(html,instr(html,"")) html=left(html,instr(html,"")-1) Else html="" End If If html <> "" Then supportDate = "" shipDate = "" supportType = "" supportDate = reformatDate(getDellSupportDate(html)) shipDate = reformatDate(getDellShipDate(html)) supportType = getDellSupportType(html) wscript.echo " Ship Date :" & shipDate wscript.echo " Support Date :" & supportDate wscript.echo " Support Type :" & supporttype 'if we don't have complete information the don't record anything.. get it all the next time. If shipdate = "" Or supportDate = "" Or supportType = "" Then Else DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_warranty='" & supportdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) 'Try to respect manually entered purchase dates If Not isdate(rs("c_purchase_date")) Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_purchase_date='" & shipdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) If clean(rs("c_warrantytype")) = "" Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices Set c_warrantytype='" & supportType & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) End If End If Else wscript.echo " * Service tag :" & serial_number & " is invalid." AnomalyReport = AnomalyReport & "Service tag (" & serial_number & ") on Dell system (" & rs("name") & ") is invalid." & vbCrlf End If End If End if If lcase(rs("manufacturer")) = "hewlett-packard" Then wscript.echo "HP found: " & rs("name") If Not isDate(rs("c_warranty")) Or CheckAll = True Then 'Only check systems that have not been checked before. serial_number = clean(rs("serial_number")) product_number = clean(rs("c_product_number")) wscript.echo "System Name/Tag :" & rs("name") & vbTab & serial_number & vbTab & product_number If len(serial_number) > 9 And len(serial_number) < 11 And mid(product_number,7,1) = "-" Then httpRequest = replace(HPURL,"",serial_number) httpRequest = replace(httpRequest,"",product_number) html = getURL (httpRequest,"","") If instr(lcase(html), "result 1 of 1") Then html=mid(html,instr(html,"result 1 of 1")) html=left(html,instr(html,"")-1) Else html="" End If If html <> "" Then supportDate = "" shipDate = "" supportType = "" supportDate = reformatDate(getHPSupportDate(html)) ' shipDate = reformatDate(getDellShipDate(html)) ' supportType = getHPSupportType(html) wscript.echo " Ship Date :" & shipDate wscript.echo " Support Date :" & supportDate wscript.echo " Support Type :" & supporttype DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_warranty='" & supportdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) 'Try to respect manually entered purchase dates If Not isdate(rs("c_purchase_date")) Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_purchase_date='" & shipdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) If clean(rs("c_warrantytype")) = "" Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices Set c_warrantytype='" & supportType & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) End If Else wscript.echo " * Service tag :" & serial_number & " is invalid." AnomalyReport = AnomalyReport & "Service tag (" & serial_number & ") on HP system (" & rs("name") & ") is invalid." & vbCrlf End If End If End If If lcase(rs("manufacturer")) = "toshiba" Then wscript.echo "Toshiba found: " & rs("name") If Not isDate(rs("c_warranty")) Or CheckAll = True Then 'Only check systems that have not been checked before. serial_number = clean(rs("serial_number")) wscript.echo "System Name/Tag :" & rs("name") & vbTab & serial_number If len(serial_number) > 8 And len(serial_number) < 11 Then httpRequest = replace(ToshibaURL,"",serial_number) html = getURL (httpRequest,"","") If instr(lcase(html), "product information") Then html=mid(html,instr(html,"Product Information")) html=left(html,instr(html,"")-1) Else html="" End If If html <> "" Then supportDate = "" shipDate = "" supportType = "" supportDate = reformatDate(getToshibaSupportDate(html)) shipDate = reformatDate(getToshibaShipDate(html)) supportType = getToshibaSupportType(html) wscript.echo " Ship Date :" & shipDate wscript.echo " Support Date :" & supportDate wscript.echo " Support Type :" & supporttype DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_warranty='" & supportdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) 'Try to respect manually entered purchase dates If Not isdate(rs("c_purchase_date")) Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices SET c_purchase_date='" & shipdate & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) If clean(rs("c_warrantytype")) = "" Then DB.Execute ("UPDATE devices Set c_warrantytype='" & supportType & "' WHERE ID=" & rs("id")) End If Else wscript.echo " * Service tag :" & serial_number & " is invalid." AnomalyReport = AnomalyReport & "Service tag (" & serial_number & ") on Toshiba system (" & rs("name") & ") is invalid." & vbCrlf End If End If End If rs.movenext Wend Set RS = Nothing Set DB = Nothing End Sub Function reFormatDate(dateIn) 'The date needs to be in YYYY-MM-DD to be written using this funky ODBC driver. We have it in MM/DD/YYYY. : 'This only works because CDATE assumes MM/DD/YYYY due to the US regional settings. If clean(dateIn) = "" Then reFormatDate = "" Else Dim newdate: newDate = cdate(dateIn) reFormatDate = year(newdate) & "-" & right("0" & month(newDate),2) & "-" & right("0" & day(newDate),2) End If End Function Function clean(str) 'Clean effectively strips off Nulls, making it easier to compare results from a database On Error Resume Next clean = trim(str & " ") On Error goto 0 End Function ''''''''' DELL Functions Function getDellSupportDate(html) 'Support Date is the LAST DATE found Dim DateRegEx,DatesFound, DateFound, bigDate Set DateRegEx = New RegExp DateRegEx.IgnoreCase = True DateRegEx.Global = True DateRegEx.Pattern = "1?\d\/\d+\/\d{4}" Set DatesFound = DateRegEx.Execute (html) bigdate = dateadd("yyyy",-30, now) If DatesFound.Count = 0 Then getDellSupportDate = "" Else For Each datefound In DatesFound If datediff("d",cdate(bigDate),cdate(datefound)) > 0 Then bigDate = datefound End If Next getDellSupportDate = bigDate End If End Function Function getDellShipDate(html) 'Support Date is the LAST DATE found Dim DateRegEx,DatesFound, DateFound Set DateRegEx = New RegExp DateRegEx.IgnoreCase = True DateRegEx.Global = True DateRegEx.Pattern = "1?\d\/\d+\/\d{4}" Set DatesFound = DateRegEx.Execute (html) If DatesFound.Count = 0 Then getDellShipDate = "" Else getDellShipDate = DatesFound.item(-0) End If End Function Function getDellSupportType(html) If instr(html,"contract_table") = 0 Then getDellSupportType = "" Exit Function End If If instr(html, "There are no service contracts or warranties associated with this system") Then getDellSupportType = "None" Exit Function End If Dim tmp tmp= html tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"contract_table")) If instr(tmp,"contract_evenrow") Then tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"contract_evenrow")) Else tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"contract_oddrow")) End If tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,">")+1) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,">")+1) tmp=left(tmp,instr(tmp,"")-1) getDellSupportType = tmp End Function ''' Toshiba functions Function getToshibaSupportDate(html) 'Support Date is the LAST DATE found Dim DateRegEx,DatesFound, DateFound, bigDate Set DateRegEx = New RegExp DateRegEx.IgnoreCase = True DateRegEx.Global = True DateRegEx.Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]{3} \d{1,2}, \d{4}" Set DatesFound = DateRegEx.Execute (html) bigdate = dateadd("yyyy",-30, now) If DatesFound.Count = 0 Then getToshibaSupportDate = "" Else For Each datefound In DatesFound If datediff("d",cdate(bigDate),cdate(datefound)) > 0 Then bigDate = datefound End If Next getToshibaSupportDate = bigDate End If End Function Function getToshibaShipDate(html) Dim DateRegEx,DatesFound, DateFound Set DateRegEx = New RegExp DateRegEx.IgnoreCase = True DateRegEx.Global = True DateRegEx.Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]{3} \d{1,2}, \d{4}" Set DatesFound = DateRegEx.Execute (html) If DatesFound.Count = 0 Then getToshibaShipDate = "" Else getToshibaShipDate = DatesFound.item(-0) End If End Function Function getToshibaSupportType(html) If instr(html,"Warranty") = 0 Then getToshibaSupportType = "" Exit Function End If Dim tmp tmp= html tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"Warranty:")) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"class=""item-list4"">")) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,">")+1) tmp=left(tmp,instr(tmp,"")-1) getToshibaSupportType = tmp End Function '' HP Functions Function getHPSupportDate(html) 'Support Date is the LAST DATE found Dim DateRegEx,DatesFound, DateFound, bigDate Set DateRegEx = New RegExp DateRegEx.IgnoreCase = True DateRegEx.Global = True DateRegEx.Pattern = "\d{1,2} [a-zA-Z]{1,3} \d{4}" Set DatesFound = DateRegEx.Execute (html) bigdate = dateadd("yyyy",-30, now) If DatesFound.Count = 0 Then getHPSupportDate = "" Else For Each datefound In DatesFound If datediff("d",cdate(bigDate),cdate(datefound)) > 0 Then bigDate = datefound End If Next getHPSupportDate = bigDate End If End Function Function getHPSupportType(html) If instr(html,"warranty type") = 0 Then getHPSupportType = "" Exit Function End If Dim tmp tmp= html tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"warranty type")) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,"colspan=""2"">")) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,">")+1) tmp=mid(tmp,instr(tmp,">")+1) tmp=left(tmp,instr(tmp,"")-1) getHPSupportType = tmp End Function Function GetHTTPObject() Dim http, httpObjectName httpObjectName = "" On Error Resume Next Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") If err.number = 0 Then httpObjectName = "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" err.clear End If On Error goto 0 If httpObjectName = "" Then On Error Resume Next Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") If err.number = 0 Then httpObjectName = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" err.clear End If On Error goto 0 End if If httpObjectName = "" Then On Error Resume Next Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttprequest.5") If err.number = 0 Then httpObjectName = "WinHttp.WinHttprequest.5" err.clear End If On Error goto 0 End if Set http = Nothing getHTTPObject = httpObjectName End Function Function getURL(URL, FormData, Boundary) Dim http Set http = CreateObject(httpObjectName) http.Open "POST", URL, False http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + Boundary http.send FormData getURL = http.responseText End Function Function CreateField(tableName, columnName, columnType) Dim DB, RS Dim SQL Set DB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DB.ConnectionString = ConnectionString DB.Open Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") On Error Resume Next RS.open "SELECT " & columnName & " FROM " & tableName, DB, 3,3 If err.number <> 0 Then wscript.echo "Creating column " & tablename & "." & columnName err.clear DB.Execute ("ALTER TABLE " & tablename & " ADD COLUMN " & columnName & " " & columnType) End If On Error goto 0 Set RS = Nothing Set DB = Nothing End Function Sub SendEmail(emailAddress, Subject, message) 'requires ossmtp.dll to be registered with the system Dim oSMTPSession On Error Resume Next Set oSMTPSession = CreateObject("OSSMTP.SMTPSession") If Err.Number = 429 Then 'Install the OSSMTP object Dim FSO Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FSO.copyfile AppPath & "OSSMTP.dll", WinDir & "\System32\OSSMTP.dll" Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.run "regsvr32.exe /s " & WinDir & "\System32\OSSMTP.dll", 0, True 'Recreate the session Set oSMTPSession = CreateObject("OSSMTP.SMTPSession") End If On Error goto 0 oSMTPSession.MailFrom = emailAddress oSMTPSession.SendTo = emailAddress oSMTPSession.Server = SMTPServer oSMTPSession.Port = 25 oSMTPSession.MessageSubject = Subject oSMTPSession.MessageText = message oSMTPSession.SendEmail Set oSMTPSession = Nothing End Sub